
Seventh Pay Commission 2016 Recommendations-Salary Increment

Seventh Pay Commission 2016

Seventh Pay Commission  formed by UPA government in 2014 , Justice A K Mathur headed the seventh  pay commission, the other members of the commissions are Vivek Rae retired IAS officer of 1978 batch ,Rathin roy Economist and Meena Agrwal is the secretary of the commission. Seventh commissions recommendations take effect from 2016 January first onwards.Every ten years Central government constitutes  revised the salary scale of the employees then state governments also adopted the commission report also modify the report as per state govt requirement.55 lakh pensioners and around 48 lakh central govt employees are the seventh commission beneficiaries.

Major Recommendations

1.  IPS and IAS and IRS rank officers pay band will be made equal presently IPS and IRS officers      getting less Salary than IAS.
2.  It has been proposed existing 32 pay band should be decrease to 13 
3.  Minimum salary of pay band-1  Will be 21,200.
4. Education allowances to employees whose offspring are in the school.
5. Previous pay commission (6th) the minimum basic salary increased  Rs 6660 from Rs 2550.
6. According to the Experts the lower rank will be the most benefited from the seventh pay commission

Salary Increment.

There could be a substantial increment in the current salary of the employees around 30-40 Percentage 
Seventh pay commission proposed Government employees salary should be increased every year July 1

Financial Burden of the Govt

Expert point of view central government salary bill rise 9.56% to 10069 crores after the seventh pay commission will come to effect
Expert view Toll on the exchequer will be implemented by the seventh pay commission ,because of the government want to manage the OROP's  expenditure too.

Past pay Commissions minimum Basic Salary's

1.First pay commission 1946 Basic  Salary Rs 35

2.Second pay commission 1959 Basic salary Rs 80

3.Third pay commission 1973 Basic Salary  Rs 185

4.Fourth Pay commission 1986 BASIC Salary  Rs 750

5.Fifth Pay Commission 1996 Basic Salary Rs 2550

6.Sixth Pay Commission 2006 Basic Salary  Rs 6660

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