
Motor Vehicle Penalties hikes in Kerala

 According Deputy Transport commissioner in-charge Mr. Rajiv Puthalath (North Zone) says the information is not correct the rule is not yet imposed. The bill has recommending increase the penalties to prevent the accidents. 

But it took at least two years to implement the system.This is the rumor created in social medias without any reliable evidence.Some newspapers also reported the same.

Motor Vehicle offences and Penalties in Kerala

1. Driving by minor (less than eighteen year old) fine  is 500.Rs according motor vehicle regulation act 181.

2.Travel without wearing seat belt fine 100 Rs. according motor vehicle act 177

3.Allow persons travel  on foot board fine 100 Rs. according motor vehicle act 177

4. Driving against one way fine 100 Rs.according motor vehicle act 177

5. unwanted use of high beam lights in not necessary roads fine 100 Rs  according motor vehicle act 177

6.Use of vehicles in unsafe condition on roads - Court challan  according motor vehicle act 192

7.Without displaying public carrier board on the vehicles RS.100 according motor vehicle act 116&177

8.Driving without or Horn in not working condition fine 100 Rs.according motor vehicle act 119

9. Driving on footpath fine 100 Rs according motor vehicle act  RRR-177

10.Violation of warning signs fine 100 Rs.according motor vehicle act 119/177

11.Driving vehicle without Valid Permit fine 5000 Rs or less than 2000 Rs according motor vehicle act 177

12. Driving Vehicle without Registration Certificate 5000 Rs or less than 2000 Rs according motor vehicle act 177

13.Without insurance fine 1000 Rs.according motor vehicle act 177

14.Using horn on horn restricted area fine 100 Rs.according motor vehicle act 21 (2) RRR 177

15. Overloading  a goods vehicle fine 2000 Rs and additional 1000 Rs for per tons  according motor vehicle act  MMVR (93) 177

16.Vehicle fitted with sun films fine 100 Rs. according motor vehicle act  100 CMVR 177
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