
Virtual Queue Online Sabarimala Booking 2014

                                                 SWAMIYE  SARANAM  AYYAPPA

Virtual queue online portal system implemented by Kerala police to reduce the long waiting of devotees to reach sannidhanam. 

The site will be  opened weekly basis. when we enter to the site new user want to create your log in id and password for book the slot. mandatory requirement for creating user id add your name, address, district, pin code also upload photo as jpeg format less than 30 KB.
How to Register in Virtual Queue Portal 

1. Click Register
2. Sign up page will be opened enter your id and password and confirm pass word in the last column

3.If already provided email address the link will be automatically came to your mail box, then start to sign in or the link is not working ,enter the activation code given in the mail.user can also register with his mobile number to get the activation code.activation code is six letters type the activation code in the box press the activate button. after verification confirmed user can log in with email address or phone number. 

4.Search for slot availability as per your planned date to visit. when you click the search availability a calender will open and a box will open green boxes shows the availability slots on the day. searching for availability three columns first one number of devotees you can enter how many devotees second column for month to visit and third column for timings.then book your slot click the button book now after verifying your details confirmation page will be displayed then press proceed button.

5. Provide the devotees details on the next page select photo id type  then enter number id then click book the slot. after completing the booking a page will be displayed print the virtual queue coupon 

6.Group booking also available in user page click my group menu create your group it show below the created group.  select your group from the list and press group booking button and then search availability window to add group devotees information ans choose your convenient date as per availability. 

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