
www.icc-cricket.com - ICC Cricket Worl Cup 2015 Schedule Matches Live Scores Venues

11th international cricket world cup starts from February 14th 2015 until 29th march 2015 .This world cup jointly hosted by Australia and Newzeland. Total 49 matches will be played 14 venues in Australia and Newzeland. 26 matches playing in Australia the venues are Canberra, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide,Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart.

UAE Visa Online New App

United Arab of Emirates ministry of interior launched a new application for visa online. According to acting under secretary of ministry of interior Major General Khalifa Hareb Akhaili it will allow all citizens and resident of the uae to get access to routine services without being visit ministry of interior offices, except urgent cases when ever it necessary. 

Virtual Queue Online Sabarimala Booking 2014

                                                 SWAMIYE  SARANAM  AYYAPPA

Virtual queue online portal system implemented by Kerala police to reduce the long waiting of devotees to reach sannidhanam. 

The site will be  opened weekly basis. when we enter to the site new user want to create your log in id and password for book the slot. mandatory requirement for creating user id add your name, address, district, pin code also upload photo as jpeg format less than 30 KB.

Motor Vehicle Penalties hikes in Kerala

 According Deputy Transport commissioner in-charge Mr. Rajiv Puthalath (North Zone) says the information is not correct the rule is not yet imposed. The bill has recommending increase the penalties to prevent the accidents. 

But it took at least two years to implement the system.This is the rumor created in social medias without any reliable evidence.Some newspapers also reported the same.


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